Dr. James Abshire worked his way through school flipping hamburgers, tossing pizzas and selling vacuum cleaners door-to door. With money tight, he has experienced having to collect cans to be able to eat. James received his B.S. in Chemistry and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering from Purdue University, his M.D. from Southwestern Medical School and completed his residency at U.C. Davis. James is a board certified internal medicine physician practicing with the Mercy Medical Group in Sacramento for over the last 22 years. He has seen patients struggle with death – either their own or that of a loved one, and felt the need to assist them in ways that can’t be done with an office visit.
Two years into this project, he was given his own diagnosis of terminal cancer, which gave him added insight. He spent many hours over the past five years researching, interviewing, recording testimonials, and writing a book entitled ‘Live, Love, and Let Go: A Doctor’s Insightful Approach to Living and Dying’. His goal is to share his very positive approach with those in need of its emotional support, practical advice, medical information, and faith based reasoning, served up at times with a little humor.
All of us at some point will be confronted with the issues of death and the dying process. As a physician, he has had the unique opportunity to console and counsel many patients and their families on the immense medical, financial, and emotional issues which are encountered in this phase of life. This book will provide tools to assist readers in maintaining a positive attitude, focus and perspective when approaching the most difficult phase of life.
James currently lives in Northern California with his wife their four children and their two dogs.
James’ goal is to help people, and he has pledged that all net proceeds from the book will go to charity.